Response [200 Ok]
Uri | /api/v2/node/dWcn5!parents |
UriDescription | Hierarchy of nodes from the given node (inclusive) to the root node. |
EndpointType | ParentNodes |
Locator | Node |
LocatorType | Objects |
Node [1 of 1]
Uri | /api/v2/node/dWcn5 |
UriDescription | Node with the given id. |
ResponseLevel | Public |
DateAdded | 2014-03-08T08:55:45+00:00 |
DateModified | 2014-03-08T08:55:45+00:00 |
Description | empty string |
EffectiveSecurityType | None |
HasChildren | true |
IsRoot | true |
Keywords | |
Name | empty string |
NodeID | dWcn5 |
PasswordHint | empty string |
SecurityType | None |
ShowCoverImage | false |
SortDirection | Descending |
SortMethod | DateModified |
Type | Folder |
UrlName | empty string |
UrlPath | / |
WebUri | |
Formatted Values
Name [html]
html | empty string |
Description [html, text]
html | empty string |
text | empty string |
Uri | /api/v2/node/dWcn5!children |
UriDescription | Child nodes of the given node. |
EndpointType | ChildNodes |
Locator | Node |
LocatorType | Objects |
Uri | /api/v2/folder/id/dWcn5 |
UriDescription | Get folder by its ID |
EndpointType | FolderByID |
Locator | Folder |
LocatorType | Object |
Uri | /api/v2/highlight/node/dWcn5 |
UriDescription | Highlight image for a folder, album, or page |
EndpointType | HighlightImage |
Locator | Image |
LocatorType | Object |
Uri | /api/v2/node/dWcn5!comments |
UriDescription | Comments on a Node |
EndpointType | NodeComments |
Locator | Comment |
LocatorType | Objects |
Uri | /api/v2/node/dWcn5!cover |
UriDescription | Cover image for a folder, album, or page |
EndpointType | NodeCoverImage |
Locator | Image |
LocatorType | Object |
Uri | /api/v2/node/dWcn5!parents |
UriDescription | Hierarchy of nodes from the given node (inclusive) to the root node. |
EndpointType | ParentNodes |
Locator | Node |
LocatorType | Objects |
Uri | /api/v2/user/scottlefler |
UriDescription | User By Nickname |
EndpointType | User |
Locator | User |
LocatorType | Object |
Count | 1 |
FirstPage | /api/v2/node/dWcn5!parents?start=1&count=7 |
LastPage | /api/v2/node/dWcn5!parents?start=1&count=7 |
RequestedCount | 7 |
Start | 1 |
Total | 1 |
Uri | /api/v2/node/dWcn5!parents |
Method | GET |
Version | v2 |
{ "expand_method": "ref", "shorturis": false }
{ "Request": { "Version": "v2", "Method": "GET", "Uri": "/api/v2/node/dWcn5!parents" }, "Options": { "MethodDetails": { "OPTIONS": { "Permissions": [ "Read" ] }, "GET": { "Permissions": [ "Read" ] } }, "Methods": [ "OPTIONS", "GET" ], "MediaTypes": [ "application/json", "application/vnd.php.serialized", "application/x-msgpack", "text/html", "text/csv" ], "Notes": [ "_multiargs does not work at this endpoint" ], "Path": [ { "type": "path", "text": "api" }, { "type": "path", "text": "v2" }, { "type": "path", "text": "node" }, { "type": "singleparam", "param_name": "nodeid", "param_value": "dWcn5" }, { "type": "action", "text": "parents" } ] }, "Response": { "Uri": "/api/v2/node/dWcn5!parents", "Locator": "Node", "LocatorType": "Objects", "Node": [ { "Description": "", "Name": "", "Keywords": [], "PasswordHint": "", "SecurityType": "None", "ShowCoverImage": false, "SortDirection": "Descending", "SortMethod": "DateModified", "Type": "Folder", "UrlName": "", "DateAdded": "2014-03-08T08:55:45+00:00", "DateModified": "2014-03-08T08:55:45+00:00", "EffectiveSecurityType": "None", "FormattedValues": { "Name": { "html": "" }, "Description": { "html": "", "text": "" } }, "HasChildren": true, "IsRoot": true, "NodeID": "dWcn5", "UrlPath": "/", "Uri": "/api/v2/node/dWcn5", "WebUri": "", "UriDescription": "Node with the given id.", "Uris": { "FolderByID": { "Uri": "/api/v2/folder/id/dWcn5", "Locator": "Folder", "LocatorType": "Object", "UriDescription": "Get folder by its ID", "EndpointType": "FolderByID" }, "ParentNodes": { "Uri": "/api/v2/node/dWcn5!parents", "Locator": "Node", "LocatorType": "Objects", "UriDescription": "Hierarchy of nodes from the given node (inclusive) to the root node.", "EndpointType": "ParentNodes" }, "User": { "Uri": "/api/v2/user/scottlefler", "Locator": "User", "LocatorType": "Object", "UriDescription": "User By Nickname", "EndpointType": "User" }, "NodeCoverImage": { "Uri": "/api/v2/node/dWcn5!cover", "Locator": "Image", "LocatorType": "Object", "UriDescription": "Cover image for a folder, album, or page", "EndpointType": "NodeCoverImage" }, "HighlightImage": { "Uri": "/api/v2/highlight/node/dWcn5", "Locator": "Image", "LocatorType": "Object", "UriDescription": "Highlight image for a folder, album, or page", "EndpointType": "HighlightImage" }, "NodeComments": { "Uri": "/api/v2/node/dWcn5!comments", "Locator": "Comment", "LocatorType": "Objects", "UriDescription": "Comments on a Node", "EndpointType": "NodeComments" }, "ChildNodes": { "Uri": "/api/v2/node/dWcn5!children", "Locator": "Node", "LocatorType": "Objects", "UriDescription": "Child nodes of the given node.", "EndpointType": "ChildNodes" } }, "ResponseLevel": "Public" } ], "UriDescription": "Hierarchy of nodes from the given node (inclusive) to the root node.", "EndpointType": "ParentNodes", "Pages": { "Total": 1, "Start": 1, "Count": 1, "RequestedCount": 7, "FirstPage": "/api/v2/node/dWcn5!parents?start=1\u0026count=7", "LastPage": "/api/v2/node/dWcn5!parents?start=1\u0026count=7" }, "Timing": { "Total": { "time": 0.02037, "cycles": 1, "objects": 0 } } }, "Code": 200, "Message": "Ok" }